News from the Western Marches 2022May13

From The Pedantic March Wiki

News from the Western Marches! Reports of death and glory have been brought back from the frontier by the survivors of that expedition which rode west from Drypass. These men counted Flatchet the Faceless (Fighting-Man 2), his follower Gildor the Godly (Paladin), his henchman Haines (Cleric), Lanar of Un (Fighting-Man), Wiligelmo (Thief), G'Shank One-Nose (dwarf Barbarian), Stuart, and the horses CLYDE, RADCLIFFE, and TACO. Westwards saw the adventurers a band of captured overbearing their masters, and only two men could be rescued from their fury - these puny cowards told tales of a cave to the SW, and gifted the company with a bag of 300 electrum for their life. The expedition passed the sinkhole, and spent much of the subsequent day excavating a downed glider. In the evening, an uninhabited cavern was discovered, along with samples of an ore not even the finest dwarf could identify. Alas, now did Stuart, who was left outside, tell the party that he had seen a dead horse a bit to the NW, still bearing its saddlebags. Investigating the site, Lanar of Un was ambushed by eight giant flies and thoroughly lacerated, along with G'Shank, a fine dwarf if there ever was one. Finally, even Haines the Cleric found death by the bites of these insect horrors. The price for three lives was, fittingly, a bloodstone of great value! The dead buried, the company returned to Drypass, bearing news of the heroes who had fallen in their prime.