
From The Pedantic March Wiki

Monetary values are usually expressed in gold pieces. In addition to gold coins, there are coins made of platinum, silver, electrum (an alloy of gold and silver), and copper.

They are valued as follows:

1 platinum piece (pp) = 5 gold pieces (gp)

1 gold piece (gp) = 10 silver pieces (sp)

1 electrum piece (ep) = 5 silver pieces (sp)

1 silver piece (sp) = 10 copper pieces (cp)

For game purposes, assume that one gold piece weighs 1/10th of a pound, and that five coins will “fit” in a cubic inch of storage space (this isn't literally accurate, but works well enough when applied to a box or chest). First level characters generally begin the game with 3d6 x 10 gp (unless the GM decides otherwise).